Donald Trumps råd om framgångsrika affärer – del 4

3 oktober, 2015

Donald Trumps framgångstips

Nyfiken på hur Donald Trump gång på gång lyckas skapa såväl stora affärer som medial framgång? Här kommer fjärde och sista delen med Donald Trumps allra bästa råd om framgångsrika affärer. Läs och lär!

“Partnerships must have loyalty and integrity at their core.”

“It’s next to impossible to build a successful business without relationships.”

“1. Project. What is the project? Why is it unique? Why is the business needed? Why will customers love your product? 2. Partners. Who are you? Who are the partners? What are your educational backgrounds? How much experience do you all have? How are you and your partners qualified to make the project a success? 3. Financing What is the total cost of the project? How much debt and how much equity is there? Are partners investing their own money? What is the investor’s return and reward for their risk? What are the tax consequences? Who is your CFO or accounting firm? Who is responsible for investor communications? What is the investor’s exit? 4. Management. Who is running your company? What is their experience? What is their track record? Have they ever failed? How does their experience relate to your industry? Do you believe this is the strongest management team you can assemble? Can you pitch them with confidence?”

“It is easier to ask for money when you don’t need the money.”

“He was also efficient and gave me his four-step formula for success: 1. Get in. 2. Get it done. 3. Get it done right. 4. And get out.”

“Everything in life is luck.”

“Sometimes understanding other people’s problems is the key to finding opportunities.”

“Operate your day-to-day business as if bad times are always here,” which is a great precaution.”

“I don’t hire a lot of number-crunchers, and I don’t trust fancy marketing surveys. I do my own surveys and draw my own conclusions.”

“An entrepreneur’s ability to find strength when others want to run, hide, quit, or blame someone else for their failures.”

“Criticism is easier to take when you realize that the only people who aren’t criticized are those who don’t take risks.”

“Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don’t just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won’t happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you’ll love it up here.”

“MY STYLE of deal-making is quite simple and straightforward. I aim very high, and then I just keep pushing and pushing and pushing to get what I’m after.”

“Building a brand may be more important than building a business.”

“When you are wronged repeatedly, the worst thing you can do is continue taking it – fight back! ”

“Leaders, true leaders, take responsibility for the success of the team and understand that they must also take responsibility for the failure.”

“What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate.”

“Don’t get sidetracked. If you do get sidetracked, get back on track as soon as possible. Ultimately sidetracking kills you.”

“What’s the point of having great knowledge and keeping them all to yourself?”

“Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken.”

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.”


För fler framgångscitat av Donald Trump kolla in del 1, del 2 och del 3 här.

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